What is relativity with simple examples
What is relativity with simple examples By: Balaji Dodda  
What is relativity with simple examples By: Balaji Dodda  
Life-cycle of stars The most remarkable discovery in all of astronomy is that the stars are made of atoms of the same kind as those on the earth. Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988) We have all wondered about the mysterious twinkling stars in the night sky at some point in our life. Although, this curiosity about …
What is the theory of relativity? Let us start with a simple example. Abhi and Rama decide to meet at a candy store. Abhi approaches the candy store from one end and Rama approaches the candy store from the other end of the straight road. Abhi says the candy store is to his left and …
पृथ्वी क्यों घूमती है? पृथ्वी क्यों घूमती है?यहां तक कि न केवल पृथ्वी बल्कि ब्रह्मांड में हर वस्तु घूमती है। लेकिन इस ब्रह्मांड में हर दिव्य वस्तु क्यों घूमती है? वास्तव में यह कोणीय गति के संरक्षण के लिए है, लगभग पांच सौ करोड़ साल पहले, हमारे सौर मंडल की शुरूआत धूल और गैस के …
Certain Physics Important mechanics Problems for IIT JEE Certain Physics Important mechanics Problems for IIT JEE 1. Find the acceleration of the moon with respect to the earth from the following data: distance between the earth and the moon =3.85×105 km and the time taken by the moon to complete one revolution around the earth …
Certain Physics Important mechanics Problems for IIT JEE Read More »
Evolution of Quantum Physics The nature of light (radiation) Evolution of Quantum Physics The nature of light (radiation) has been a matter of long debate and a great confusion in the history of Physics. Rene Descartes, the father of the Cartesian geometry, first gave the corpuscular (particle) nature of light and the great Newton …
Evolution of Quantum Physics The nature of light (radiation) Read More »
Newtons ke niyam or गति का अर्थ Newtons ke niyam or गति का अर्थ means newtons law of motion. First question is what is motion at all. Motion simply means the change in the position of the object with respect to surrounding. There are three laws of motion given by newton. गति का क्या अर्थ …
Trigonometry formula Booklet PDF download Click the below button to Download the Trigonometry formula booklet PDF. Below formula list is a summery of only the basic formulas. The formula booklet PDF contains all the necessary formulas, diagrams and graphs. 1. Sin2x+Cos2x = 1 2. 1+tan2x = Sec2x 3. 1+cot2x = Cosec2x 4. Sinx = 1cosecx …
Class- X Chapter name – Human Eye and Colourful world Topic name – Human Eye and Defects of Vision Subjective Questions: 07 Total Marks: 15 Question 1: In an eye, where is image formed? [1 Mark] Ans. In an eye, image is formed on the retina. Question 2: What is the cause …
Assignment: Kinetic Theory of Matter 1 B.sc I year-Physics Paper-II (Kinetic Theory and Thermodynamics) What is meant by degrees of freedom of a particle? State the law of equipartition of energy. Deduce the relation between the specific heat ratio and degrees of freedom for a perfect gas. What is Brownian motion? What …