Certain Physics Important mechanics Problems for IIT JEE

Certain Physics Important mechanics Problems for IIT JEE

Certain Physics Important mechanics Problems for IIT JEE

1. Find the acceleration of the moon with respect to the earth from the following data: distance between the earth and the moon =3.85×105 km and the time taken by the moon to complete one revolution around the earth =27.3days.

2. A body is projected along a rough horizontal plane moves with an acceleration of 4.0 m/s2. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and plane?

3. A block is projected along a rough horizontal road with a speed of 10m/s. If the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.10, how far will it travel before coming to rest?

4. A block of mass m is kept on a horizontal table. if the static friction coefficient is, find the frictional force acting on the block.

Certain Physics Important mechanics Problems for IIT JEE

5. A block slides down an inclined surface of inclination surface of inclination 300 with the horizontal. Staring from rest it covers 8m in the first two seconds. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the two.

6. Suppose the block of the previous problem is pushed down the incline with a force of 4N.how far will the block move in the first two seconds after starting from rest? the mass of the block is 4kg.

7. A body of mass 2kg is lying on a rough incline on a rough inclined plane parallel to the incline needed to make the block move [a] up the incline [b] down the incline. Coefficient static friction =0.2

8. Repeat part [a]of the problem 7 if the push is applied horizontally and not parallel to the incline.

Certain Physics Important mechanics Problems for IIT JEE

9. in a children’s park an inclined plane is constructed with an angle of incline 450 in the middle part .find the acceleration of a body sliding on it if the friction coefficient between the cloth of the boy and the incline is 0.6 and g=10m/s2.

10. A block is placed on a rough floor and a horizontal force F is applied on it.the force of friction F BY the floor on the block is measured for the different values of F and a graph is plotted between them.

(a) the graph is a straight line of slope 45

(b)the graph is a straight line parallel to the f- axis.

(c) the graph is a straight line of slope 45 for small F and a straight line parallel to the f- axis



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