Free Science Magazine
The cover story is “A Quantum Dolly is an impossibility!” By Prof. N.D. Hari Dass TIFR-TCIS, Hyderabad which explains that Xerox copying is a classical phenomenon it can’t happen in the quantum world. We are very thankful to Prof. N.D. Hari Dass for giving his valuable time and writing on such an advanced subject in such a manner that could inspire the teenage students. It’s like a window to an entirely new field to the students and researchers. The featured article is “The Golden Ratio” which describes how the golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence are embedded in the nature and science of aesthetics.
5 Cover story
A Quantum Dolly is an impossibility! 05
8 Featured article
The Golden Ratio 09
13 teen Spectrum
Viju & Cheeru 13
Science Quiz 14
15 technoteens
The Techno Brain 15
16 Mystery
A new Periodic Table for 2D Elements 17
The Kuiper belt 18
16 Public Library
All Biology is Computational Biology 19
22 Your Articles
The theory which predicted gravitational waves 21
Matter and fundamental particles 22
Life cycle of stars 23
good magazine keep it up…:)
Loved your magazine. Nice
Thank You Sir. Thank You Akashganga.